Major difference between Service Marketing and Product Marketing

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Marketing products and marketing services are entirely different things. This is because the customers can touch and feel many products while services can seldom be physically seen.There are also exceptions of products that can not be seen. The main difference between service marketing and product marketing are as follows.

Services are generally intangible. because the customers can see the process of service. The marketing should associate a product with the service to become successful. a service that is related to the product can be used for marketing purposes.

Purchasing and consuming of the service often happens at the same time. If a consumer orders a product then at the time itself it might be getting ready to be shipped. the stockists and distributor are the links in such selling. the service of distributing the product should be associated with the product being sold.

The satisfaction of service varies from customer to customer. So the service needs to be rated against standards in order to be successful. This can also be helpful for customers choosing the service provider with better ratings.

The service can not be said as perishable and sometimes even without customers the service can not be told as deteriorating. The timing of the services with respect to the seasons and increased demand must be met by the marketer.

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