Significance of Value Added Services in Business Management

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Most of the companies provide value-added services to customers which are additional benefits received on purchase of a new product or service. Free value added services are in fact add-ons which can help in building goodwill and increase the revenue if given for a discount price. The following are some of the value-added services provided by the companies for business purpose.

Training as a Value Added Service
One of the factor that is helpful in making customers buy more items is by making them utilize all the benefits of the product during the service period. Most of the companies provide printed booklets containing information about the product and their websites also will be having information in the form of text video and images. But sometimes it is helpful to provide training sessions in the form of seminars or workshops given to customers as a group. Internet based seminars and video conferencing also helps organization in providing training to customers.

Telephone Add-Ons as a Value Added Service
In Telephony industry value added services play an important role. Several phone companies take monthly charges for providing value-added services. These value-added services generally include Teleconferencing, Holding certain buttons for playing music, Voice Mailing Services, Call Forwarding Services, Call Recording Services and Caller ID.

Free Information as a Value Added Service
Companies send newsletters to customers for making them informed about the latest trends in the concerned spectrum. Companies can send information regarding Sales, Marketing, Distribution, Tax etc and keep the customers informed about the changes. If there is any pricing variation that is available for the products which are brought by the customer it can also be being updated to the customer. Industry statistics and tips which include stories by other customers also help in building brand loyalty.


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